Farming is not a profession, but a way of life.

As an entrepreneur, you are your own boss and make the decisions based on market demand. You cultivate a fully commercial economy. Countries that had colonization or invasion of their land (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) had the earliest and most complete farms. In the UK, farms appeared earlier than they did in other Western European countries and they have since become a staple of agriculture. The tough economic climate has led to more people starting their own farms. As a result, there are loads of new opportunities for people looking to be self-employed and it’s important not to sit back and wait for other opportunities.

It’s understandable that people are curious about the lives of these people. And what better way to learn more than taking a trip down to the farm?

We put a lot of time and effort into improving our farm, so it’s good to know we can afford to take some risks every now and then. Sometimes you need to make new investments in order to keep up with the latest developments. We’ve made a few purchases recently like new tractors and other equipment as well as going through with some construction on our buildings. In our previously built hedgehog, they mounted and launched a slat on which everything – from sorting to stacking potatoes and vegetables on pallets – is fully automated. Often the government helps me, especially at the beginning. A government must provide some support or otherwise it’ll never be possible to turn around quickly. Governments should give others the chance to start up their own business.

For many people, thinking back on the beginning of their journey can be difficult. It’s easy to remember back when being a pioneer on virgin lands was tough and fraught with doubt. But now, having seen the shining light of success from afar, it’s important to think about how you can cultivate both a successful farm and high quality produce. It’s reassuring to see that many people are there to help. It’s great that those with relatives and close friends, as well as neighbors, have the support they need. More importantly, over time it means there are more assistants who will help which is good for the farm. With the use of technology, the whole process from sowing crops to loading for shipment to the consumer is done with machines.

But in the meantime, the novice farmer does not understand what’s going on around them. They ask why you need it and outright ridicule it. The land was given out in small portions at a time. They get about 10 hectares, so they might say that people are wasting their time trying to grow food there. In the beginning of our journey, mainly potatoes and cereals are grown, but only a few carrots and cabbage. Children’s technology back then. But now he knows that for this area to develop it’s first priority.

Why is vegetable farming so popular? It’s just not as occupied by other business people. There’s still a lot of money to be made, though, and it can be significantly more profitable than some other agribusinesses. However, at the same time an understanding comes that if you want to survive in a competitive market like this, you cannot use outdated methods. As a result of which increasing productivity levels and costs can be reduced. You cannot forget about modern technologies and knowledge of the latest developments in this field. In most businesses, you’ll need to be an expert in the field. Farmers, with their routine tasks, seem especially simple… but there’s always something that can surprise you out of the blue! In order to plan and foresee the future, you need to be able to understand market conditions. That’s why it is so important to constantly improve, adjust and stay on top of what’s happening in the industry to stay profitable. No one vegetable is currently the most profitable crop.

What are some common problems for farmers? One big issue is the lack of moisture. You can’t just start irrigating all of your crops at once, but you can use a well or a pool to start with. Milk used to be expensive and the quality of the product was worth it. One more thing: shopping – purchasing items. People often bought milk from cans, herring from wooden barrels. Nowadays these products are strictly packages and bags with a convenient shelf life so that after purchase you can store them in your fridge for months. The vegetable counter has been around for a long time, but now it’s time for him to retire. Today, prepared foods are easier to sell because they’re packaged, labeled and delivered right away. A packing line is a must, as is a washing machine. You’ll be able to wash and pack your vegetables on site to ensure they’re clean.

Manufacturers usually rely on logistics centers to help them promote their products abroad. This can make their life easier, as extra tasks are handed off. And it is right. Another thing is that there should be more organization, a clear vision of the movement of goods and, most importantly, an interest in promoting domestic products. Here in Finland, the cost of production of cucumbers is one and a half times higher than in Spain. Even in farms, there’s still a lot of chaos. One year, there wasn’t enough potatoes – we plant potatoes; the next year they failed – there is nowhere to go. But it is necessary to study demand, plan agribusiness and profitable sale of goods in-depth as well. “A lot of people think managing a farm is easy, but it’s usually not.” This perspective isn’t meant for every individual farmer- it’s for the country as a whole. You should know the market situation so you can get better advice.

Knowledge is power, which is why I value good specialists so much. The agronomist on the farm today seems to me to be the conductor of a large orchestra. The whole process depends on his instinct and knowledge since it’s up to him to make sure things come together smoothly. With some work, people earn many times more than those who do little or keep their hands securely in their pockets. For example, someone who works on the land can make several times more than those who sit at home, throwing seeds into the ground.

Not many people can work as farmers and that speaks volume about the affect it has on them. As opposed to other jobs, where a person might not have to come into contact with nature daily, the farmer is always in contact with the land. Famers might not be able to take vacation often because they are busy tending animals and crops every day.

They say figuratively about such people: “the earth rests on them.” They’re not just farmers or conscientious workers, but they’re also pioneers and strategic thinkers. When you’re your own boss, it can be hard to find the time and motivation for any other project. But these people seem to manage their various tasks in a business-like way. One of the main benefits is that they seem to keep unrestricted creative freedom most of the time.