CS Aday https://csaday.info Agri-Cultural Farming Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:15:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9 https://csaday.info/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/cropped-farm-32x32.png CS Aday https://csaday.info 32 32 The Healing Power of Nature: Eсotherapy as a Response to Сlimate Anxiety https://csaday.info/the-healing-power-of-nature-e%d1%81otherapy-as-a-response-to-%d1%81limate-anxiety/ Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:15:43 +0000 https://csaday.info/?p=119 In an era marked by environmental upheaval and сlimate unсertainty, the human psyсhe grapples with a profound sense of unease known as сlimate anxiety. As the looming speсter of сlimate....

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In an era marked by environmental upheaval and сlimate unсertainty, the human psyсhe grapples with a profound sense of unease known as сlimate anxiety. As the looming speсter of сlimate сhange сasts a shadow over our сolleсtive сonsсiousness, individuals seek solaсe and healing in the natural world. Enter eсotherapy, a burgeoning field that harnesses the healing power of nature to address mental health сhallenges and сultivate resilienсe in the faсe of environmental сrises. This artiсle explores the transformative potential of eсotherapy as a response to сlimate anxiety, highlighting its prinсiples, praсtiсes, and profound effeсts on individual well-being.

Understanding Сlimate Anxiety: Сlimate anxiety, also known as eсo-anxiety or eсologiсal grief, refers to the psyсhologiсal distress сaused by the existential threat of сlimate сhange and its impaсts on the planet. Сharaсterized by feelings of helplessness, despair, and existential dread, сlimate anxiety stems from the profound sense of loss and unсertainty assoсiated with environmental degradation, speсies extinсtion, and extreme weather events. As the сonsequenсes of сlimate сhange beсome inсreasingly tangible and pervasive, individuals of all ages grapple with the emotional toll of witnessing the unraveling of the natural world.

Enter Eсotherapy: Amidst the turmoil of сlimate anxiety, eсotherapy offers a beaсon of hope, drawing on the innate healing properties of nature to foster resilienсe, сonneсtion, and empowerment. Rooted in prinсiples of eсopsyсhology, eсotherapy reсognizes the intrinsiс link between human well-being and the health of the natural environment, advoсating for the restoration of this symbiotiс relationship as a pathway to healing. By immersing individuals in natural settings and faсilitating meaningful interaсtions with the more-than-human world, eсotherapists aim to reawaken a sense of belonging, purpose, and interсonneсtedness with all living beings.

Prinсiples of Eсotherapy: Eсotherapy enсompasses a diverse array of therapeutiс approaсhes, from wilderness retreats and hortiсultural therapy to nature-based mindfulness praсtiсes and eсo-art interventions. At its сore, eсotherapy emphasizes the following prinсiples:

  1. Nature Сonneсtion: Eсotherapy enсourages individuals to develop a deep and reсiproсal relationship with the natural world, fostering a sense of kinship, reverenсe, and humility towards the Earth and its inhabitants.
  2. Mindfulness and Presenсe: By сultivating present-moment awareness and mindfulness in natural settings, eсotherapy helps individuals quiet the сhatter of the mind, reduсe stress, and сultivate a sense of inner сalm and сlarity.
  3. Embodiment and Somatiс Awareness: Eсotherapy invites individuals to reсonneсt with their bodies and senses, attuning to the rhythms, textures, and sensations of the natural environment as a sourсe of grounding and vitality.
  4. Сreativity and Expression: Through artistiс expression, storytelling, and сreative rituals, eсotherapy enсourages individuals to explore and artiсulate their emotions, experienсes, and aspirations in relation to the natural world.
  5. Сommunity and Сolleсtive Aсtion: Eсotherapy fosters a sense of belonging and mutual support within сommunity settings, empowering individuals to сollaborate on environmental stewardship projeсts and сolleсtive advoсaсy efforts.

Praсtiсes and Modalities: Eсotherapy enсompasses a diverse range of praсtiсes and modalities tailored to individual needs and preferenсes. Some сommon approaсhes inсlude:

  1. Forest Bathing (Shinrin-Yoku): Inspired by Japanese traditions, forest bathing involves immersing oneself in natural environments, engaging in sensory exploration, and сultivating a state of deep relaxation and presenсe.
  2. Wilderness Therapy: Wilderness therapy programs offer immersive outdoor experienсes, wilderness expeditions, and adventure-based aсtivities as a means of fostering personal growth, resilienсe, and self-disсovery.
  3. Eсo-Art Therapy: Eсo-art therapy integrates artistiс expression and nature-based materials to faсilitate emotional healing, self-exploration, and eсologiсal awareness through сreative praсtiсes suсh as nature mandalas, land art installations, and eсo-poetry.
  4. Hortiсultural Therapy: Hortiсultural therapy involves engaging with plants, gardening aсtivities, and green spaсes to promote physiсal, emotional, and сognitive well-being, fostering a sense of сonneсtion with the natural world and a deeper appreсiation for the сyсles of growth and renewal.
  5. Nature-Based Mindfulness Praсtiсes: Nature-based mindfulness praсtiсes, suсh as walking meditation, nature journaling, and сontemplative photography, invite individuals to сultivate presenсe, gratitude, and awe in natural settings, fostering a sense of interсonneсtedness with all life forms.

Benefits of Eсotherapy: Researсh suggests that eсotherapy offers a wide range of benefits for mental, emotional, and physiсal well-being. Studies have shown that spending time in nature сan reduсe stress levels, alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, boost mood and self-esteem, and enhanсe сognitive funсtion and сreativity. Additionally, eсotherapy promotes pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors, fostering a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards the natural world.

Eсotherapy in Aсtion: Aсross the globe, eсotherapists, сounselors, and сommunity organizers are pioneering innovative approaсhes to eсotherapy, from urban green spaсe initiatives and wilderness therapy programs to eсo-art installations and nature-based retreats. In сities, organizations suсh as The Wilderness Soсiety and The Trust for Publiс Land advoсate for equitable aссess to green spaсes and advoсate for poliсies that prioritize environmental justiсe and сommunity resilienсe. In rural areas, wilderness therapy programs like Outward Bound and NOLS offer transformative outdoor experienсes for individuals navigating mental health сhallenges or life transitions. And in сommunities around the world, grassroots initiatives suсh as forest sсhools, сommunity gardens, and nature-based support groups provide opportunities for individuals to reсonneсt with the healing power of nature and forge deeper сonneсtions with one another.


As сlimate anxiety сontinues to rise in tandem with the esсalating impaсts of сlimate сhange, eсotherapy offers a beaсon of hope, resilienсe, and empowerment for individuals seeking solaсe and healing in the natural world. By fostering a deep sense of сonneсtion, belonging, and reсiproсity with the more-than-human world, eсotherapy invites us to сultivate resilienсe, redisсover our inherent interdependenсe with all living beings, and embark on a journey of healing and transformation in harmony with the Earth.

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Environmental Costs of Land-Based Casinos https://csaday.info/environmental-costs-of-land-based-casinos/ Tue, 13 Jun 2023 09:28:56 +0000 https://csaday.info/?p=112 It is a dream for most of us to play games at a famous casino. People travel from far places to popular casinos scattered in many cities to play slots,....

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It is a dream for most of us to play games at a famous casino. People travel from far places to popular casinos scattered in many cities to play slots, roulette, blackjack, baccarat, poker, and many exciting games. Fortunately, you can now play your favorite casino game directly from your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, thanks to the online casino segment, whose popularity is rising fast.

Do casinos affect the environment in any way? You probably don’t have an idea that gambling has a direct impact on the ecosystem. The current brick-and-mortar casinos release significant energy that does not meet the standard of clean energy. 

Equipment used at casinos requires incredible energy to run, releasing greenhouse gases into the environment. They may not resemble coal mines or large steel factories, but they still produce enough carbon to warrant environmental concern.

Additionally, brick-and-mortar casinos attract other businesses that release tons of waste, indirectly making them responsible for environmental degradation. Visit any land-based casino, and you will find hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, shopping centers, and commuter services whose commercial activities increase the carbon footprint. 

Construction of these facilities means the destruction of natural habitats, leading to biodiversity loss and wildlife displacement. Such establishments also release a lot of wastewater into waterways, sometimes containing pollutants such as pesticides and heavy metals. The contaminants are a severe health risk to humans and the ecosystem.

It isn’t easy to ascertain the amount of carbon produced by land-based casinos and the resulting businesses. Some popular casinos are located in tourist destinations where many people visit to see other attractions. Carbon waste from such goals cannot be directly blamed on the casinos.

Other cities like Macau and Las Vegas are purely known as casino destinations, and whoever travels there has to go with gambling in mind. 

A study on the environmental impacts of casinos in Macau found that most residents had a negative perception of the role of casinos in the city’s ecosystem. Residents complained of escalation of trash, traffic jams, parking difficulties, large tourist gatherings, poor air quality, soil erosion, public infrastructure demolition, and a decline in scenic beauty.

How Can Land-Based Casinos Become Eco-Friendly?

With people increasingly becoming conscious of the environment, land-based casinos have no choice but to adopt eco-friendly measures in their operations. Modern players prefer playing at casinos that use clean energy and recycle waste to keep the environment clean and safe.

Some of the measures casinos can take include:

  • Casino owners can construct casino buildings using eco-friendly materials such as recycled marble and slate. They can adopt green buildings whose popularity is rising fast. Installing solar panels at the facilities can also generate clean solar energy for heating, lighting, and running equipment.
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos have massive heating systems and boiler rooms that generate heat to keep the clients warm. The excess heat can be channeled to power generators, saving electricity from the grid. 
  • Land-based casinos should also have water and recycling systems to minimize waste and reduce operational costs. The furniture used in poker tables, and roulette wheels should also be made from eco-friendly materials.
  • Adopt the online way of life. Online casinos like sweepstake casinos play a significant role in reducing the adverse environmental effects of land-based casinos. You can access your favorite casino from your phone, laptop, or tablet from the comfort of your couch. This reduces the human traffic at brick-and-mortar casinos leading to less waste emission. In addition, the energy used to run online casinos is far much less than that of physical casinos.

Which countries have the most casinos?

Most of the countries have casinos. Some of the few exceptions are China and most Muslim-dominated countries. Even though China is the world’s most-populated country, gambling is restricted. However, some Chinese citizens enjoy gambling in casinos in neighboring Macau, the Philippines, and South Korea.

The US has the biggest number of land-based casinos. However, most of them have also opened up online platforms to conform to the changing customers’ tastes and preferences. 


Land-based casinos pose a significant threat to the environment as they consume a lot of energy, release tons of waste, and cause environmental degradation. The industry players must take responsibility and institute necessary measures toward a sustainable environment.

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Best Australian Online Casinos Fight Climate Change https://csaday.info/best-australian-online-casinos-fight-climate-change/ Wed, 10 May 2023 07:37:56 +0000 https://csaday.info/?p=109 It’s no secret that the gambling industry is one of the most polluting in the world.  The recent research by aucasinoonline.com: “Best Australian online casinos are notorious for their energy....

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It’s no secret that the gambling industry is one of the most polluting in the world. 

The recent research by aucasinoonline.com: “Best Australian online casinos are notorious for their energy consumption”, shows that online gambling industry in Australia reduced their energy consumption by 32% in 2023. In fact, it’s been said that the gambling industry is responsible for up to 1% of global carbon emissions. This is a huge problem and something that needs to be addressed. 

Thankfully, many casinos are beginning to shift to renewable energy sources in an effort to combat climate change. In Australia, for example, many of the best online casinos are making the switch to renewables. Here’s a look at why casinos are shifting to renewable energy and how it’s helping to reduce climate change. 

Why Australian Online Casinos Are Shifting to Renewable Energy

Every business wants to be seen as environmentally friendly these days. The step to renewable energy is a great way for casinos to improve their business reputation.

Business Reputation

Most people are aware of the environmental impact of the gambling industry. By switching to renewable energy, casinos can show that they’re taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint and be more environmentally responsible. This can improve their business reputation and make them more attractive to potential customers.

For gamblers who are concerned about the environment, they can now feel good about playing at casinos that are using renewable energy. There are a growing number of so-called “green gamblers” who are only willing to play at casinos that are eco-friendly. 

Apart from that, some gamblers are simply more likely to trust a casino that is using renewable energy. In an industry where there is so much competition, any edge that a casino can get is important.

Brand Differentiation

In such a competitive industry, it’s important for casinos to find ways to differentiate themselves from the competition. Using renewable energy is one way that casinos can do this. 

By being one of the first casinos in Australia to switch to renewable energy, a casino can stand out from the crowd and attract attention. This can be a great way to bring in new customers and grow the business.

Frontrunners always have an advantage, and casinos that are early adopters of renewable energy will be in a great position to capitalize on this.

Reduce Costs

Who doesn’t like to save money? In addition to the environmental benefits, switching to renewable energy can also help casinos to reduce their costs. 

As the cost of traditional energy sources continues to rise, renewable energy is becoming increasingly competitive. In many cases, it’s now cheaper for casinos to use renewable energy than traditional sources. 

What’s more, the price of renewable energy is only going to continue to drop as technology improves and more casinos make the switch. This means that there will be even more savings in the future.

Avoid Energy Fluctuations

Another advantage of renewable energy is that it can help casinos to avoid energy fluctuations. 

We’ve all experienced power outages and blackouts, but for casinos, even a few minutes without power can be costly. Not only does it interrupt gameplay, but it can also lead to lost revenue. 

Renewable energy sources are much more reliable and provide a more stable source of power. This is especially important for casinos that are located in areas with high winds or lots of sun, as they’re more likely to experience power fluctuations.

Keep Up with the Trend

Not only is renewable energy better for the environment, but it’s also becoming more and more popular. 

As public opinion continues to shift in favor of renewable energy, casinos need to make sure that they’re keeping up with the trend. Consumers are becoming more and more aware of the environmental impact of businesses, and they’re increasingly likely to patronize businesses that are eco-friendly. 

By switching to renewable energy, casinos can make sure that they’re staying ahead of the curve and appealing to the growing number of consumers who care about the environment.

How Renewable Energy Is Reducing Climate Change

Now that we’ve looked at some of the reasons why casinos are switching to renewable energy, let’s take a closer look at how it’s reducing climate change. 

Reducing Carbon Footprint

As we all know, the Earth is going through a lot of changes right now. The average temperature is rising, and the ice caps are melting. This is having a devastating impact on our planet, and it’s something that we need to take action on. 

One of the ways that we can reduce the impact of climate change is by switching to renewable energy. Renewable energy sources produce far less carbon dioxide than traditional sources, and this helps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. 

In addition, renewable energy is often generated using sustainable practices, which further reduces its impact on the environment. 

Prevent Exploitation of Resources

Another way that renewable energy is reducing climate change is by preventing the exploitation of resources. 

Fossil fuels are a finite resource, and as we continue to use them, we’re slowly but surely running out. This is having a huge impact on the environment, as it’s causing pollution and contributing to climate change. 

By switching to renewable energy, we can help to preserve these resources for future generations. 

Alternatives to Traditional Energy Sources

There are many different types of renewable energy sources, and each has its own advantages. 

Solar power is one of the most popular renewable energy sources, as it’s relatively easy to set up and maintain. Wind power is another option that’s becoming increasingly popular, as it has a low carbon footprint and can be used to generate electricity. 

Hydroelectricity is another renewable energy source that’s often used in Australia. It involves using the flow of water to generate electricity, and it’s considered to be one of the most efficient forms of renewable energy. 

Traditional sources like coal and gas are becoming increasingly unpopular, as they’re seen as being bad for the environment. This is causing many businesses to switch to renewable energy, to reduce their impact on climate change.

What Does the Move to Renewable Energy Mean?

Australia’s online casinos are often associated with a high carbon footprint. 

However, by switching to renewable energy, Australian online casinos are sending a strong message that they’re committed to reducing their impact on the environment. This is a positive step for the industry, and it’s something that other businesses should consider as well. 

The move to renewable energy is also a sign that casinos are adapting to the changing needs of their customers. As more and more people become concerned about the environment, they’re looking for businesses that share their values. 

By making the switch to renewable energy, casinos are showing that they’re keeping up with the times and that they’re committed to reducing their impact on climate change.

Other businesses in Australia (both online and offline) are likely to follow suit, as the move to renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular. This is good news for the environment, and it’s something that we should all be supporting.

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How New Technologies Apply and Help Agriculture https://csaday.info/how-new-technologies-apply-and-help-agriculture/ Fri, 10 Mar 2023 09:27:53 +0000 https://csaday.info/?p=103 In recent years, the introduction of innovative technology in agriculture has led to an adjustment in the way farmers handle crops and cultivate fields. You don’t have to be an....

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In recent years, the introduction of innovative technology in agriculture has led to an adjustment in the way farmers handle crops and cultivate fields. You don’t have to be an expert to see how technology has changed the way agriculture is viewed, making it more profitable, efficient, safe and easy. Five of the best modern information technology in agriculture recognized by farmers:

  • GIS technology in agriculture and GPS agriculture
  • Satellite imagery.
  • Drone and other aerial imagery
  • Agricultural information technology and online data
  • Combining data sets

As a result, today’s farms are reaping significant benefits from digital technology in agriculture, which is constantly evolving. These benefits include reduced consumption of water, nutrients and fertilizers, reduced negative impacts on the surrounding ecosystem, reduced chemical runoff into local groundwater and rivers, increased efficiency, lower prices and more. In this way, businesses become profitable, smart and sustainable. Let’s discuss some of these innovative technologies in smart agriculture.

GIS Technology in Agriculture

Because fields are location-dependent, GIS technology is becoming an incredibly useful tool in terms of precision agriculture. Using geographic information technology in agriculture, farmers can display current and future changes in precipitation, temperature, yields, plant health, and more. It also allows GPS-based applications to be used along with smart technology to optimize fertilizer and pesticide application; given that farmers do not need to treat the entire field, but only certain areas, they can achieve savings in money, effort and time.

Another big advantage of GIS technology used in agriculture is the use of satellites and drones to collect valuable data on vegetation, soil conditions, weather and terrain from a bird’s eye view. Such data greatly improves the accuracy of decision-making.

Satellite Data

With the help of drone technology in agriculture (drones), farmers are able to determine crop biomass, plant height, weed presence and water saturation in certain areas of the field with high accuracy. They provide better and more accurate data with higher resolution than satellites. When they are working in the field, they provide valuable information even faster than scouts. Drones are also considered unbeatable helpers in insect control; insect infestations are prevented by applying insecticide to dangerous areas using unmanned technology (drones), while reducing the chance of direct exposure leading to chemical poisoning.

Although drones are easy to use and can collect large amounts of data in a short amount of time, there are still problems with their continued use because the technology is not cheap. Drones are virtually helpless where mapping or monitoring of large areas is required, and it is better to supplement this technology with satellite monitoring of already mapped areas where specific areas need to be rechecked.

Online Data

To make it easier to monitor agricultural fields, EOS has developed EOSDA Crop Monitoring, a digital platform that uses satellite monitoring to speed up a farmer’s decision-making so they don’t miss an important point in field treatment. Here are some of the features available on the platform:

  • Crop Monitoring allows you to use the Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) to track crop health in agriculture. This index tracks the amount of chlorophyll in the plants, which provides information about their condition. If you have higher NDVI values, you have healthier vegetation because the more chlorophyll available to the plant, the healthier it is.
  • Another important feature of today’s EOSDA Crop Monitoring information technology is the Scouting app. It is a mobile and desktop application that uses digital field maps. Using this app in agriculture, a farmer can assign scouts multiple tasks in a few clicks. Add a field, place a pin, assign a task. Once a task is assigned, the scout moves directly to the selected location and checks problem areas on the plot, checks for pest activity, performs weed control actions, etc., immediately taking notes in the app. This allows you to inspect problem areas only when necessary, thereby saving time to take necessary preventive measures.
  • Weather analytics as information technology in agriculture. By analyzing weather data according to plant condition data from satellite imagery, farmers can accurately apply irrigation and prevent frost or heat damage. Since virtually all calculations and analysis are performed by the software itself, setting up the process of monitoring and taking care of the field is almost as easy as playing roulette or poker at an online casino. For example, one of the best ways to avoid drought problems is drip irrigation technology with automatic or manual valve control, so the farmer can supply the right amount of water to drought-prone areas.
  • The strongest advantage of EOSDA Crop Monitoring is that it is based on satellite images. It helps to analyze field conditions or the condition of specific areas of agriculture and quickly extract valuable information, thereby speeding up optimal response time as well as making reliable decisions – which crops to sow, when to harvest, how to effectively plan for the next season, how much nutrients and fertilizer to apply, and much more.

Combining Data

Sometimes in the EOSDA Crop Monitoring platform, you have to mix different data sets to get valuable information about your fields. For starters, the user can compare the performance of their field to the average performance of all the fields in the area. To overcome this problem, technology is used to compare multiple datasets from all the fields in your area. For now, such comparisons are only available using the NDVI vegetation index, but in the near future we will expand the analytical capabilities of the Platform by adding new indices.

The next important function, modern information technology in agriculture using multiple data sets, is the analysis of weather data. It consists of the following options:

  • “Plant Frost” informs you of low temperatures that threaten your winter crops.
  • “Frost Threat” highlights days when temperatures have dropped below -6 ℃ to assess damage to early crops from frost.
  • “Drought Threat” reflects days with temperatures above + 30 ℃ to assess damage from heat stress.

This feature of new technology in agriculture also provides the ability to monitor precipitation and temperature.

Precision Agriculture Results

Promising high technology in agriculture is moving into the future by leaps and bounds. They offer substantial assistance to farmers in their efforts to optimize costs, simplify farm management and increase productivity. Higher yields as well as lower maintenance costs help increase profitability. In the context of intelligent solutions, innovative technology in agriculture offers the Swiss Army knife of precision farming technology for both today’s and tomorrow’s farmers.

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The innovative technologies in agriculture https://csaday.info/the-innovative-technologies-in-agriculture/ Wed, 08 Mar 2023 10:34:29 +0000 https://csaday.info/?p=99 It is no longer a secret that our planet’s population is growing faster, and so does the demand for food with it. According to a UN study, about 9.9% of....

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It is no longer a secret that our planet’s population is growing faster, and so does the demand for food with it. According to a UN study, about 9.9% of the world’s population still goes hungry. With all the environmental changes and global warming, it is hard to predict what the future will bring. Although it is understandable that we will have less water, land and other resources to deal with. Which is why we need to use innovative technologies in agriculture. Modern agriculture is more dependent on innovation than ever before. Supply chains are facing numerous challenges, including rising costs of supplies, labor shortages, and changes in consumer preferences for transparency and sustainability. To be able to defeat the rising challenges, we have to find solutions. And innovative technologies can be helpful.

Top technologies to use in modern farming

The new tech-based approach in modern agriculture brings farming to a new level of development. It can help get better results with limited resources. Let us take a closer look at some of the best modern farming technologies. 

  1. Indoor Vertical Farming

Vertical farming is the process of growing crops on top of each other instead of in traditional rows. It has the potential to increase crop yields, overcome limited land area, and even reduce the farming impact on the environment by cutting down the distance traveled in the supply chain. The ability to thrive in limited space is what makes this type of growing associated with the city and urban farming. The uniqueness of vertical farms is that some setups do not require soil for plants to grow. Most are hydroponic, where vegetables are grown in a nutrient-dense bowl of water, or aeroponic, where the plant roots are sprayed with water and nutrients. The water consumption of vertical farms is up to 70% less than traditional farms.

  1. Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture is a farming management concept based on observation, measurement, and response to inter- and intra-field variability in crops. Farmers can maximize yields by controlling every variable of crop farming, such as moisture levels, pest stress, soil conditions, and microclimates, with new precision agriculture technologies. Precision agriculture provides more accurate techniques for planting and growing crops, which allows farmers to increase efficiency and manage costs.

  1. Farm Automation

Farm automation is a technology that improves efficiency and automates the crop or livestock production cycle. Companies are investing in robotics innovation in order to develop drones, autonomous tractors, robotic harvesters, and automatic watering and seeding robots. Changing consumer preferences and a rising global population are some of the issues that farm automation technology addresses.

  1. Artificial Intelligence

The use of artificial intelligence in farming could have a significant impact. Remote sensors, satellites, etc. can gather information 24 hours a day over an entire field. They can monitor plant health, soil condition, temperature, humidity, and other factors. These sensors can collect a lot of data, and advanced technology will help farmers understand the information better. A farmer would see it as an online game in a live casino, where he could interact with the host and other competitors, while also seeing a full analysis of the situation on the field and making the necessary and winning decisions. Data is processed by algorithms that adapt and learn based on the data received. The goal is to use this artificial intelligence to make better decisions in the field so that farmers can get a better harvest.

  1. Livestock Farming Technology

Farms that continue to upscale the size of their operations can now use smart technology to monitor individual animals more closely. New developments have made tracking and managing livestock much easier and more data-driven. Nutritional technologies, genetics, or digital technology can be used to improve the productivity, welfare, or management of animals and livestock. The use of sensors and data technologies can improve the productivity and welfare of livestock by detecting sick animals and intelligently recognizing room for improvement.

  1. Blockchain

Blockchain has a unique decentralized structure that ensures verified products and practices to create a market for premium products with transparency. This technology can be used to address urgent issues such as food fraud, safety recalls, supply chain inefficiency, and food traceability in the current food system. Root-cause analysis is the first step in tracking down the source of contamination when foodborne diseases threaten public health. There is no tolerance for uncertainty.

Blockchain can be used for more than just ensuring food safety. By establishing a ledger in the network and balancing market pricing, it adds value to the current market. The blockchain application for trades might change how traditional commodity trading and hedging works. Blockchain makes it possible to share verified transactions in the food supply chain with all participants, creating a marketplace with great transparency.

In conclusion

Sustainable farming is a hot topic today. The population is growing quickly, and land and water shortages are a big problem for humanity. The demand for food will grow. Innovations in agriculture technology provide the means of smarter, safer, and more productive farming, from advances in precision agriculture to farm automation, genetics, and water management technology. These new technologies can help us find the needed solutions.

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Farming is not a profession, but a way of life. https://csaday.info/farming-is-not-a-profession-but-a-way-of-life/ Mon, 11 Apr 2022 16:15:53 +0000 https://csaday.info/?p=74 As an entrepreneur, you are your own boss and make the decisions based on market demand. You cultivate a fully commercial economy. Countries that had colonization or invasion of their....

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As an entrepreneur, you are your own boss and make the decisions based on market demand. You cultivate a fully commercial economy. Countries that had colonization or invasion of their land (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) had the earliest and most complete farms. In the UK, farms appeared earlier than they did in other Western European countries and they have since become a staple of agriculture. The tough economic climate has led to more people starting their own farms. As a result, there are loads of new opportunities for people looking to be self-employed and it’s important not to sit back and wait for other opportunities.

It’s understandable that people are curious about the lives of these people. And what better way to learn more than taking a trip down to the farm?

We put a lot of time and effort into improving our farm, so it’s good to know we can afford to take some risks every now and then. Sometimes you need to make new investments in order to keep up with the latest developments. We’ve made a few purchases recently like new tractors and other equipment as well as going through with some construction on our buildings. In our previously built hedgehog, they mounted and launched a slat on which everything – from sorting to stacking potatoes and vegetables on pallets – is fully automated. Often the government helps me, especially at the beginning. A government must provide some support or otherwise it’ll never be possible to turn around quickly. Governments should give others the chance to start up their own business.

For many people, thinking back on the beginning of their journey can be difficult. It’s easy to remember back when being a pioneer on virgin lands was tough and fraught with doubt. But now, having seen the shining light of success from afar, it’s important to think about how you can cultivate both a successful farm and high quality produce. It’s reassuring to see that many people are there to help. It’s great that those with relatives and close friends, as well as neighbors, have the support they need. More importantly, over time it means there are more assistants who will help which is good for the farm. With the use of technology, the whole process from sowing crops to loading for shipment to the consumer is done with machines.

But in the meantime, the novice farmer does not understand what’s going on around them. They ask why you need it and outright ridicule it. The land was given out in small portions at a time. They get about 10 hectares, so they might say that people are wasting their time trying to grow food there. In the beginning of our journey, mainly potatoes and cereals are grown, but only a few carrots and cabbage. Children’s technology back then. But now he knows that for this area to develop it’s first priority.

Why is vegetable farming so popular? It’s just not as occupied by other business people. There’s still a lot of money to be made, though, and it can be significantly more profitable than some other agribusinesses. However, at the same time an understanding comes that if you want to survive in a competitive market like this, you cannot use outdated methods. As a result of which increasing productivity levels and costs can be reduced. You cannot forget about modern technologies and knowledge of the latest developments in this field. In most businesses, you’ll need to be an expert in the field. Farmers, with their routine tasks, seem especially simple… but there’s always something that can surprise you out of the blue! In order to plan and foresee the future, you need to be able to understand market conditions. That’s why it is so important to constantly improve, adjust and stay on top of what’s happening in the industry to stay profitable. No one vegetable is currently the most profitable crop.

What are some common problems for farmers? One big issue is the lack of moisture. You can’t just start irrigating all of your crops at once, but you can use a well or a pool to start with. Milk used to be expensive and the quality of the product was worth it. One more thing: shopping – purchasing items. People often bought milk from cans, herring from wooden barrels. Nowadays these products are strictly packages and bags with a convenient shelf life so that after purchase you can store them in your fridge for months. The vegetable counter has been around for a long time, but now it’s time for him to retire. Today, prepared foods are easier to sell because they’re packaged, labeled and delivered right away. A packing line is a must, as is a washing machine. You’ll be able to wash and pack your vegetables on site to ensure they’re clean.

Manufacturers usually rely on logistics centers to help them promote their products abroad. This can make their life easier, as extra tasks are handed off. And it is right. Another thing is that there should be more organization, a clear vision of the movement of goods and, most importantly, an interest in promoting domestic products. Here in Finland, the cost of production of cucumbers is one and a half times higher than in Spain. Even in farms, there’s still a lot of chaos. One year, there wasn’t enough potatoes – we plant potatoes; the next year they failed – there is nowhere to go. But it is necessary to study demand, plan agribusiness and profitable sale of goods in-depth as well. “A lot of people think managing a farm is easy, but it’s usually not.” This perspective isn’t meant for every individual farmer- it’s for the country as a whole. You should know the market situation so you can get better advice.

Knowledge is power, which is why I value good specialists so much. The agronomist on the farm today seems to me to be the conductor of a large orchestra. The whole process depends on his instinct and knowledge since it’s up to him to make sure things come together smoothly. With some work, people earn many times more than those who do little or keep their hands securely in their pockets. For example, someone who works on the land can make several times more than those who sit at home, throwing seeds into the ground.

Not many people can work as farmers and that speaks volume about the affect it has on them. As opposed to other jobs, where a person might not have to come into contact with nature daily, the farmer is always in contact with the land. Famers might not be able to take vacation often because they are busy tending animals and crops every day.

They say figuratively about such people: “the earth rests on them.” They’re not just farmers or conscientious workers, but they’re also pioneers and strategic thinkers. When you’re your own boss, it can be hard to find the time and motivation for any other project. But these people seem to manage their various tasks in a business-like way. One of the main benefits is that they seem to keep unrestricted creative freedom most of the time.

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China creates agricultural drone with special plant spraying system https://csaday.info/china-creates-agricultural-drone-with-special-plant-spraying-system/ Fri, 11 Feb 2022 12:15:09 +0000 https://csaday.info/?p=41 EAVision, an agricultural drone development company, has raised $30 million in investment. The drones are specifically designed to work in geographically challenging areas

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EAVision, an agricultural drone development company, has raised $30 million in investment. The drones are specifically designed to work in geographically challenging areas, since about 34% of mainland China’s agro-cultural area is located in mountainous terrain. Fruit and nuts are grown there, and tea is also cultivated.

Unlike many other agro drones that can work on flat and level areas, EAVision drones use combined artificial intelligence-based computer vision and sensor systems to be able to work on hilly and mountainous areas, as well as cascade-type farms. Drones are well oriented and keep their balance while moving among plants with a complex type of vegetation.

They are equipped with a special spraying system that allows treating plants only about a meter away from their tops.

According to the results of tests carried out on a citrus farm in Guangxi province, the drones showed a 90% better spider mite treatment result than traditional operations

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Green skyscrapers and a smart refrigerator https://csaday.info/green-skyscrapers-and-a-smart-refrigerator/ Mon, 08 Nov 2021 12:58:44 +0000 https://csaday.info/?p=44 City farming is a promising trend in agriculture, where products (vegetables, berries, herbs) are grown in the city and not outside it.

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City farming is a promising trend in agriculture, where products (vegetables, berries, herbs) are grown in the city and not outside it. This is a global trend: this approach provides huge savings on logistics and resources, which is very important for overpopulated areas. Reducing costs reduces the cost of production, not to mention the fact that people get to eat fresh vegetables and herbs that have not traveled thousands of kilometers to get to the customer’s table.

Today, most people in the world live in cities, and the UN predicts that by 2050, 86% of all residents of developed countries will live in them. And the number of fertile land decreases annually. In just a couple of decades, resources will be in short supply, and it will become increasingly difficult to provide megacities with fresh produce. Therefore the governments of many countries are adopting special programs to prevent this problem. New technologies will come to the aid of people – including the ability to grow plants year-round directly in the cities, saving expensive resources. This phenomenon has been called
city farming.

Vertical farms: saving on everything

One solution is vertical farms, which organize the production of plants without soil. Such systems already exist in many large metropolitan areas: vertical farms are placed in basements or on the roofs of buildings.
This is how they grow herbs, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, radishes – something small that does not grow high up and is placed on limited height shelves.
These products can be produced nearby and delivered to the consumer in 2-3 hours, saving on logistics and resources.

City farming: greenery on rooftops

The concept of city farming emerged in 2012 in Singapore, where a system of vertical gardening was first used to create a farm on the roof of a skyscraper. Today, many advanced countries with high population densities have adopted this approach.
And some companies have even made it a separate line of business. For example, the agribusiness giant Panasonic got into the business: they create tiered vertical farms in empty rooms, but they use
not hydroponics, but soil.
There are different approaches to city farming. Vertical farms grow vegetables, berries, salads and spicy herbs. Of the total greens, about 40% are microgreens.

Bioponics is when organic rather than mineral fertilizers or chemicals are used. There’s also aquaponics, a closed-loop system for growing fish and plants that combines aquaculture and hydroponics.
Ideally, city farming solves several problems:
1) saves resources;
2) it saves space by tiering;
3) the yield of vegetable crops will not depend on weather (external) conditions and human factors.

The result – more affordable natural foods produced close to home. Without intermediaries’ markups and extra charges for transportation.

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How climate data help with adaptation https://csaday.info/how-climate-data-help-with-adaptation/ Sun, 19 Sep 2021 11:34:47 +0000 https://csaday.info/?p=38 Adapting the sector to climate change will be critical; effective planning and implementation of adaptation measures at various levels is critical

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“Adapting the sector to climate change will be critical; effective planning and implementation of adaptation measures at various levels is critical,” Dr. Kurnick noted.

However, farmers have already begun to adapt themselves and are learning how to benefit from global warming. In Sicily, plantations of tropical fruits such as mangoes, papayas and lychees have blended seamlessly into the local landscape. According to one study, 64.7 percent of farmers in Spain have already switched to new farming conditions, especially in terms of water use. “They are investing in more efficient irrigation systems, moving from continuous irrigation to spot irrigation when really needed,” Dr. Ruiz Ramos noted. – Spanish farmers have also changed the timing of planting and switched to new varieties of crops whose life cycles are better suited to the weather conditions, as well as using fertilizer more efficiently,” she added.

The availability of climate data is critical to adapting agriculture in Europe to weather and climate anomalies. The Copernicus Climate Change Monitoring Service (C3S) has launched several projects to adapt existing models and climate data to help farmers better respond to climate change. The main goal is to provide data to help farmers make the right decisions, in near-real time. “Food security is a global issue, and the impact of climate on agriculture cannot be limited to one country or region,” explained C3S Director Carlo Buontempo. – “We provide data that can be used in modeling crop formation processes, as well as a number of indicators important to the industry. These include current and historical data, as well as statistics and indicators related to climate change, future crop yields, water levels and water quality.

The number of cases of successful adaptation to climate change using climate data is steadily increasing. In Castiglione, a region of Italy, the consulting company GECOsistema used C3S information to help land and water authorities plan sustainable irrigation strategies. Based on climate scenarios for 2020, 2050, and 2080, they analyzed the impact of the region’s water availability on yields of six crops, including kiwis, peaches, and grains.

In Tuscany, the Agricultural Climate Impact Assessment Consulting Service used C3S climate projections to estimate the damage that pests could cause to olive trees in a changing climate. The analysis showed that warm winters create favorable conditions for insects and a threat to the olive crop. This information will help farmers develop more effective insect control strategies.

One of Portugal’s leading port producers is testing a climate application that will help increase the resilience of vineyards to climate change. The Integrated Vineyard Climate Application (VISCA), developed as part of a European initiative, consolidates climate and agricultural data as well as farm-specific information to make crop planning in a changing climate more effective. One method used today is “aggressive cultivation,” which shifts the timing of ripening from the hot summer months to the cooler fall months by additional pruning and slowing the ripening of the grapes.

Transferring climate data to small farms is not an easy task either. A pilot adaptation project in Kenya aims to solve it. “We are transforming climate data to meet the needs of farmers and extension agents,” said Dr. Hasse Goosen, director of the Climate Adaptation Service. “We have transformed the C3S data and developed yield indicators and methodological explanations supported by maps to show how and where [climate change] will affect different types of crops throughout the climate season.” This project also provides a tool to create maps that take into account some of the variables that affect crop yields.

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Farm Management System – The opportunity to become more efficient tomorrow https://csaday.info/farm-management-system-the-opportunity-to-become-more-efficient-tomorrow/ Tue, 10 Aug 2021 10:35:11 +0000 https://csaday.info/?p=18 Every farm and every agricultural holding, ant and monster, while performing an identical set of tasks, also performs the typical functions of implementing a set of actions, accumulating and distributing resources in order to obtain a financial result.

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Every farm and every agricultural holding, ant and monster, while performing an identical set of tasks, also performs the typical functions of implementing a set of actions, accumulating and distributing resources in order to obtain a financial result.

The process of cultivation of living organisms in the last half century has undergone significant changes under the influence of scientific progress, as the food security of mankind has attracted scientific forces to solve the problem of hunger and guarantee safe existence in the future. Agriculture has become one of the most science-intensive industries, and the problems of genetics, breeding, technical and chemical means of raising animals and plants for food have been solved in a historically short time. In the last decade, digitalization has contributed to the efficiency of agriculture and continues to do so.

Both the farmer and the holding company must manage their land, stock the necessary inputs for the production cycle, perform agro-technology operations, and carry out product sales. Agroholdings add the function of human resources and communication between territorial units and headquarters. Both the farmer and the holding company need planning, operations control and strategy.

Digitalization made it possible to accumulate Big Data and work with data, obtaining optimal solutions for further operations. Climate’s (Monsanto) small multifunctional Field View sensor collects data on soil, weeds, pests, crop yields and concentrates them in arrays, combines with drone data and satellite maps, then the system analyzes data and transforms it into technological maps of further activities. Thus, the efficiency of crop production increases fundamentally, as fertilizer application and agrochemical treatments become as accurate as possible, and the seed is used accurately. However, other important issues of the farmer’s activities remain outside the system: the purchase of seed, fertilizers and agrochemicals, fuel and accounting, sales of grown products.

If the systems for monitoring and analyzing agricultural operations contribute to the efficiency of farm production, the comprehensive Farm Management System is designed to relieve the farmer from his office work and equip him with ready-made solutions for running his business.

Full-cycle systems are developed either by large agricultural companies or research institutes, but IT companies are also experimenting in this area.

In the modern sense, Farm Management System is a system that allows to manage the production process from idea to execution control based on the farm database and external monitoring sources with integration of financial management tools.

In the face of climate change and market volatility the farmer must focus on growing processes and respond immediately to significant changes in conditions by leaving accounting, control, purchasing and reporting issues to automation.

The Farm Management System market is now approaching $1.5 billion worldwide and is growing exponentially. There are recognized market leaders. Livestock producers widely use Farm Management System Navfarm, Universal Farm Management software for poultry farm owners, fish farm owners, livestock farm owners, hog farms, dairy distribution companies and other agricultural businesses. ERPNext is an open-source Web application that helps small, medium and corporate businesses manage their accounting, inventory, sales, purchases, production, projects, customer support and Web site. Agsquared helps farmers gather valuable information about their farm operations to help build a complete picture of farm productivity, profitability and sustainability. Farmlogs, Farmlogic, AGRIVI, EasyFarm, Farmbrite, and Croptracker AgroSense are popular. Agworld, for example, is the world’s first collaborative farming solution that allows farmers, crop consultants, farm staff, Precision Farming specialists and operations managers to work as one. ExactFarming is an agricultural decision support system that uses data from field sensors, satellite imagery and equipment to make farmers’ lives easier and their businesses more profitable.

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